
Basic rest – first plunge


What we got Hopefully, with Go installed and an IDE ready for tapping, we can begin. If you have a friendly IDE, you’ll want to start a mod-enabled project and name it something worthy of our work. If not, then within the command line, we can initialise a new mod project. go init mod This should initialise the go.mod file and look something like this. module BasicGoREST go 1.21 Now, to make...

Set, Plan, GO!


Setting the stage There are many ways to skin this cat, the most important is where to find it options for coding these days are too numerous for me to list in this post, and frankly, however you choose to drink this poison is up to you. Personally, I am using JetBrains GoLand. Maybe you’re using GitHub’s Codespaces. As long as you can run Go and successfully communicate with it by...

Kicking Off this RESTful Journey


Imagine the internet as a bustling, cosmopolitan cafe. In this cafe, your browser or app is like a hungry diner, and the server is the kitchen where all the data is cooked up. Now, how does your order (or request) get to the kitchen and your delicious data (or response) come back to you? Enter the superheroes of our story: REST APIs! ChatGPT In essence, REST APIs are the bridge between where the...

My Journey in Tech, just so far


Introduction Hello to whoever decides to read this blog, my name is Ryan. Thanks for checking this out. I have been working in the tech industry since 2016 (that’s 7 years!), primarily in startups, with a bit of freelance experience. During this time, I’ve evolved from a graduate to a junior full-stack developer, and now to a senior backend engineer, starting with JavaScript and PHP...

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